This movie is a bit mainstream, but I know too many people who haven't seen it yet.
Guy Ritchie's best film, I think. A crime thriller/comedy masterpiece from 2000,
Basically, this is about a guy trying to fence a huge diamond in London after a heist. But everyone and their dog, it seems, is after the diamond.
It's hard to explain any more than that. There are too many stories overlapped and intertwined. And Ritchie does an amazing job mixing them all in seamlessly.
This movie is packed full of violence and harsh language. So if you're easily upset you'll want to skip this one.
But it's also packed with humor (often dark) and great characters.
Brad Pitt has an amazing role as a pikey (english gypsy), who has an accent so odd it's hard to understand. The DVD has a "pikey translator" that gives subtitles every time he talks. But it's much more fun to watch it without, gradually you pick up more and more of what he's saying.
I love this movie. And it stands up well to repeated viewings.