This week's suggestion is a bit of a conundrum for me. I really liked this movie - thanks for the recommendation, Bug! - but I think most of the people I know who would like it have already seen it. But I'll take the chance and review it anyway.The movie in question is the 2008 comedy Fanboys. With no big-named director or actors, it's about a group of Star Wars fanatic (fanboy) friends (circa 1999) who venture to the Skywalker Ranch to steal a copy of the much-awaited Star Wars I - The Phantom Menace, since one of their group is dying and won't be around for the theatrical release.
This is a good comedy, but I think most of the references are too specific for the "common" audience. This movie if for Sci-fi fans. Not so much only for Star Wars fans, but Trekkies (Trekkers??) and sci-fi buffs in general will enjoy this movie. If you know who Wedge, Sarek and Starbuck are you'll get a lot of the humor.
Other references are more obscure, like the guards at Skywalker Ranch dressed in THX 1138 costumes, but not critical to the enjoyment of this movie. I didn't get all the obscure references, but it would help if you got more of them than you missed.
The band Rush also has a surprisingly prominent role in the humor (alas, no cameo), which I, personally, greatly appreciated!
Fanboys is a little cliche at points, but it also made me literally laugh out loud at times. And the cameos were priceless!
Rent if you're even close to being a sci-fi geek!