I am positive, however, that I really liked this movie - Dersu Uzala.
Akira Kurosawa was commissioned to direct this Russian epic adventure: the story of an early-20th century mapping quest into the Siberian wilderness. The company of Russian soldiers happens upon an older nomad (Dersu), who at first seems antiquated and eccentric. Dersu soon earns their trust and much more as he guides them through the uncharted, vast, VAST wilderness. But over the course of just a few years, as the wilderness becomes tamed, Dersu's usefulness comes into question...
This is a sloooooooooooow (old!) movie, yes. But anyone interested, REALLY interested in film should see this. It is a cinematic masterpiece. An absolute wonder to look at. This is what kept my interest throughout the film. I don't think any other director could pull off this movie.
Akira captures the bleakness of the landscape, he catches it's rugged beauty. EVERYTHING is in focus (thanks to his use of long lenses). But there are a few scenes that will stay with me, if not forever, for a long, long time - not for the action (old movie!), but for the absolute beauty in the picture!
The dvd case did not say anything about remastering or enhancing the video. But the colours were so vibrant, so clear I'm not sure they didn't lie. That's how good this film looks.
Rent to watch. Watch and learn from the master.