Under the category of "They can't ALL be 5-stars...", comes this (modest) recommendation.
I was in the mood for a sci-fi movie that I hadn't seen before. Pandorum is what I found streaming on Netflix.
You've already guessed that this isn't going to be a glowing endorsement. But it was entertaining enough to make The Blog.
Pandorum is about 2 astronauts who groggily awake from their hyper-sleep, isolated on an enormous spacecraft, and have to piece together their identities, mission status, and even mission goal. They wrestle with all these factors and, oh yeah, they're being hunted by super-quick ravenous creatures.
OK, The plot is trite: Amnesia, close-quarters, becoming potential prey... It definitely borrows from a lot of other films.
But what I liked most about Pandorum was just that borrowing. It is some of the best parts of Das Boot, Predator and Rear Window.
It's not the most mind-blowing movie ever. That's safe to say. But if you have Netflix streaming, Rent it.