Monday, August 22, 2011

Constantine's Sword

Here's an excellent, thought-provoking documentary. Based on James Carroll's book of the same name, Constantine's Sword came out in 2007.

There are three subjects intertwined in this movie: the indictment that the Air Force Academy was trying promoting Evangelical Christianity and turning a blind eye toward the discrimination of others, especially Jewish cadets; James Carroll's fall from grace (or faith), a former Catholic priest; and a history of the Christian church's anti-semitism.

This is way too much to cram into one documentary. It's just a precursory view of the history. But an actual in-depth investigation would take days. 

It is good at what it does. It gives a well researched, far-reaching history, and actually takes you to the places it talks about. And it leaves you with a wanting to learn more. (I really want to read his book now!)

My favorite quote from Constantine's Sword: "If you want to make religion a constructive force in society, religions must begin with an honest admission of those moments when they haven't been a constructive force...when they've been a DESTRUCTIVE force."

I have very different politics, but I certainly agree on the last two thirds of that statement.

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