I'd consider this week's suggestion a Must See! It's the 2008 World War II drama The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
It's about an 8-year old boy and his family who move from the big city, Berlin, to the country. Bruno, the boy, finds it boring and lonely in his new surroundings so he explores the woods behind his house and makes an unusual friend, to say the least, in another boy his age.
This is a BBC film and everyone, including the American actress playing the mother, has a thick British accent that is hard to understand at points. There - that's the bad stuff. (Some have complained about the pacing, especially early, but it's a DRAMA. Shut up, sit still and watch!)
I was skeptical of the premise going in, but the plot is handled with care and precision. All the characters are very 3-dimensional. but most of all, they did wonderful job with the script capturing the innocence of childhood!
This is what sets this movie apart from other great WWII movies - It really is seen though the eyes of a child.
Perhaps, best of all, this movie is hard hitting - how can it not be - but it does not beat you over the head with a sledgehammer like many war movies do.
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