The definition of obscure could be an American movie in which I've never heard of ANY of the actors, director or even producers. Chronicle, 2012, actually fits into that category. And if it weren't for the Seattle skyline on the cover I probably would've never seen it.
Chronicle is about 3 teens who stumble upon mystical telekinetic powers. High school will never be the same!
I spent the first 25-ish minutes irritated by bad cinematography and worse editing. The first-person, hand-held camcorder thing was good once, as far as I'm concerned. Blair Witch Project nailed it. Done.
...But not so much.
Once Chronicle gets going it is very entertaining! The pace picks up. The shenanigans! The visual effects are amazing! I was engrossed! And they actually get clever with the camerawork and editing.
It is a a little predictable. Drama is assured...
Yet, definitely worth renting!
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