Thursday, February 14, 2013


In the recent absence of good movies I managed to find one worth reviewing: 2010's Tracker.

Set and filmed in New Zealand, a veteran of the Boer War tracks a Maori (read: aboriginal, or less-than-human) accused  of murder through the wilderness. 

I don't want to give too much up, but it is very cliche at points, especially early. This is pretty much what I expected. (What'd you mean everyone but the Boar lost his trail??)

What I love about this movie is the direction, first of all. Every chance he gets, Ian Sharp takes a long-angle shot of New Zealand's beautiful landscapes. They truly are another character in the movie.

The acting is very good, including a South African accent so outrageously authentic I had to turn on the English subtitles at times. But the other actors are great too. (In fact it was written specifically for the actor of the Maori character.) 

Over all, I'd say better than usual. Not great. But worth watching..  

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