I'd consider this documentary a must-see no matter what part of the political spectrum you see yourself on - Left, Right, somewhere in the middle, or even on the fringe.
Inequality for All, 2013, is Robert Reich making a plea to America: please, decrease the wage inequality - the drastic amount more that the top money makers profit as apposed to the "working class".
This isn't "Class Warfare." It's simple economics. Societies run better when the Middle Class earns a comfortable wage. The MC spends most of the money in the market and thus keeps the system going.
There's plenty of proof. Lots of graphs and stats (perhaps a little too many, in spots?), and historical evidence to back up the claims. And they interview Conservatives and Liberals alike. Fox News and Jon Stewart's Daily Show make numerous cameos.
Unfortunately, when you (meaning me) agree so much with a documentary it's hard to say anything more about it. (I'll) Let the movie speak for itself!
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