An obscure Kevin Smith movie?? Not since Clerks, right?
Nope. Not many knew Tusk existed, including me. (And everyone knows how big a fan I am of Smith!)
Well, I should say, I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan with exceptions. Mallrats, Jay & Silent Bob, and his horror movie, Red State, were not good, in my humble opinion.
Which is why Smith's horror movie #2, right after Red State, didn't have much appeal to me when I finally did hear of it.
I was wrong!
This is a very, very creepy movie! Hard to sit through without squirming. But isn't that what a horror movie is supposed to be?
It's about a podcaster who goes to Canada to do an interview and disappears. His friends search for him... Much more is involved, of course.
But the best part of this movie is it's alter-ego!
After being totally creeped-out watching the movie, watch a couple of the short dvd extras (Making Of's) and you'll see/hear an idea that instantly changes this movie from 1 of the creepiest to 1 of the funniest!
I had to instantly watch it again, based on this new information. And it's hysterical!
And I came along another Easter Egg hidden in the movie, also!
This is the best metamorphoses I've ever seen in a movie!
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